Utilization of Student Service Center Building in the World of Lectures
Utilization of Student Service Center Building in the World of Lectures

Utilization of Student Service Center Building in the World of Lectures: GTEKNO


A university is natural to have a Student service center or a place of activity for students and students. In general, the student center can also be considered a living room, where it serves as a liaison between students, faculty, and teaching staff.

According to records, there is a university in Doha, Qatar that knows very well how to create and build this SC space comfortably and modernly. The name of the university is Hamid bin Khalifa University, where the univ cooperates with Legoretta + Legoretta in creating a student activity center.

Through the activity center, you can find a variety of interesting facilities. Starting from health centers, counseling centers, lodging facilities, and recreation rooms, students can take full advantage of it without being charged a penny. For its own exterior issues, the designer of this Student Center is also inspired by the traditional Qatari market.

The mixed architecture of Arabic and Meksiko has transformed the center of this student activity place as a space full of artistic value. For the bottom, this room is also built using concrete and thick walls with a layered stone arrangement. The sports hall is made using steel structures.

Student Center in The Country

Until now, various universities around the world certainly want to get the status of World Class University (WCU). WCU is a designation for suitable that can develop, adjust to market demand quicklyand continue to be sustainable. Theng ng of this designation will refer to the superiority of thedisplay in international standards.

The status of World Class University is expected to refer to the achievements and competencies of teachers at each university. In addition, this predicate is expected to improve the quality, value, and reputation of univ. Adequate facilities can certainly support academic quality and have a positive impact on student satisfaction.

One of these facilities is the Student Service Center.  In this case, the student activity center is very instrumental as a space for interaction, recreation, and socialization activities for students. Various universities around the world are also ensured to have Student Centers that function optimally.

To be able to achieve this level of effectiveness, student activity centers need adequate space where they can support all existing activities. In terms of architecture, space in a building has a large rolein order to carry outits planned and expected functions.

In Indonesia itself, one of the universities with adequate student activity space is at Gadjah Mada University. Through the example ofone of the country’s universities , both students and teaching staffm ampu achieve the planned learning goals.

Optimal Utilization of Student Service Center

Student Center can actuallybe used as a form ofeffective learning decoder in improving the quality of learning of learners. From this, this activity center can also be applied directly in the world in lectures. Students will tend to be more actively involved than schoolchildren.

The best learning processactually rests on student interaction in actively understanding the material. In this case, lecturers or teaching staff only act as facilitators. The existence of these activities will stimulate students to be active in conducting research, discussion, and authorship of books.

The application of the Student Center Learning method at the mahasis wa activity center can be trusted to bring positive values. First,this me tode can increase the motivasi learning of each learner. Indirectly, they will be motivated in mastering theory and continue to want to do studies, especially if students are facilitated by the publication of scientific papers.

Second, this method will make students more independent and responsible during the learning process. With the concentration of activities in the Student service center, students will be required to continue to actively learn. They should also do research which is then matured with presentations during college.

For the latter, the benefits of the Student Center method are to make students able to learn in depth. Students who already use this method are expected to have the opportunity to explore the field of science taken independently. Without direction from lecturers regarding other additional materials, mahasiswa will determine its own literacy.

The Big Role of Student Service Center

In general, the construction of a student activity center building is intended to facilitate students in various activities and activities. As the center of activity, of course, it can be known if this building is directly under the control of the Assistant Rector II. There are many main functions for the use of this building, including the following.

This building can be used as an office center and various student activities such as SEMU, BEMU, SEFA, BEMFA, and student activity unit offices. The design of this building is also usually built in several floors where the first floor is used for Assistant Rector III, Head of Student Affairs Bureau, and its ranks.

Enter on the 2nd floor and so on, you will usually find some space used for student activity offices. The existence of the Student service center is very important, because it supports the progress of students from non-academic aspects such as organisasi activities, talent interests, reasoning, and other activities.

Centralization of offices also makes it easier for students to manage and control when improving relations between students from each faculty. Again , the existence of SC is expected to improve the achievements of students both from academic and non-academic achievements.

Student Service Center Building Lending

After knowing the many functions of the student activity center, it certainly becomes commonplace if every group of students in each faculty wants to borrow services from the activity center to hold several events. The nature of the event in question is certainly a campus activity as well as a major or faculty.

If you want to take care of the loan of  this Student service center, then at least you must understand about the procedures and procedures needed. For the first, students must take care of the application letter for a loan permit gedung to the Rector or Vice Rector of the University. Documents can be taken care of from the Administration.

Then, the application letter file will be disdispositioned by vice rector III to BKM. Furthermore, the file will be continued to the Head of Interest, Reasoning, and Information. After passing the disposition from the Head of Interest, Reasoning and Information, the document will be re-disposition to the Facility and Information Facility.

If the last file has come out, then the process of checking data about the use of this building.  If in the results of checking the building there are those who use, then Kasubag will coordinate with the Head of Police for the next step. ORMAWA will also receive this notice.

However, if the results of checking the building no one uses, then the process is continued with the creation and examination of the draft or concept of building lending. And finally, the loan documents will be directly distributed to students or claimants of the student service center building loan application  letter earlier.

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